Grand Piano
For Piano Owners
If you own a Player Piano, Nickelodeon, Square Grand, or Reed Organ for either commercial use or personal enjoyment, you might want to get to know us.

We have any parts you or your piano service company will need to keep your instrument in top operating order. We specialize in manufacturing hard (or impossible) to find parts for all of the above Pianos and Reed Organs.

When you decide you want the entire instrument restored to its original grandeur and functionality, we can help. We'll either work with your own technician, supplying parts and guidance, if asked; or we can do the work in our shop.

We also do cabinet repair and restoration. If your heirloom has been damaged by fire, flood, or accident, we can handle it. You'll never know it was damaged. If the loss is insured, we'll work with your insurance company.

Give us a call today to discuss any needs you may have. If you already have a local piano service company, have them call us.


Established in 1899, Howes Piano is a four-generation family business.
We specialize in National Player Pianos, Classic Player Pianos, Universal Player Pianos, Story and Clark Player Pianos, Nickelodeons, Square Grands, and Reed Organs.
We offer Piano Sales, Heirloom Piano Restoration, Custom Piano Parts Manufacturing, and Custom Cabinet Refinishing.
Howes Piano Company warrants all products and services for a full ten years against defects in materials or workmanship.
Howes Piano Company - 5560 Harlan St., Arvada CO, 80002 - (303) 462-0505 -